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Could It Be The Toilet Paper?

June 27, 2013

I agree this sounds like a strange topic and most people don’t want to talk about it. However, we all have to eliminate toxins and we all use toilet paper. Being an advocate of health and wellness and all things natural I am always paying attention to labels and give a lot of thought to the food and supplements I ingest. I was surprised to find myself Googling chemicals in toilet paper. I was even more surprised to learn that there are in fact a lot of chemicals in toilet paper.  Manufacturers use chemicals to get the paper clean before they turn it into toilet paper, bleach it to make it white so it appears more clean and then add chemicals for moisture resistance, absorbency, to make it thicker, to smell good, to be biodegradable…… it goes on. Whoa Nelly! None of these ingredients are listed anywhere on the packaging. There’s no warning that a skin sensitivity could arise or there may be adverse reactions from using this product. Just a warning that the plastic bag it comes in could cause suffocation.


Why is this important to know? Women and men are quite sensitive in those areas. Those are our reproductive areas. Some of these chemicals can be absorbed and cause serious complications. Not to mention some intense itching and burning. It may appear that you have a yeast infection. The burning, itching and white stuff.  The classic symptoms of a yeast infection could actually be from your toilet paper. Before running out to get chemical filled ointments and a prescription you might want to do a simple test. Rinse with warm water and try a different brand of toilet paper. The thicker toilet papers with the fuzzy softness just might be un-BEAR-able to your parts. Not only can we get yeast like symptoms, but how about those hemorrhoid symptoms. Yes, they too could be a toilet paper allergy. There are a lot of brands and styles to choose from. I am not a toilet paper expert, but I do know that I will be very careful about what I buy. I won’t even use the soft fuzzy stuff on my face for nose blowing. Nope, don’t want a red rashy face. I guess I am going to have to do some research on Kleenex as well. Actually, I will save myself some time and just go with Handkerchiefs and old t-shirts for that.


Here is a news clip from Jamaica that you might find interesting. It’s news there. I don’t watch the news, so if it’s news here too then great! We need to be aware of these things! http://www.televisionjamaica.com/Programmes/PrimeTimeNews.aspx/Videos/25656


Love and Light!

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