(805) 455-3060

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Tame The Beast Aromatherapy Boutique

Welcome to Tame The Beast Aromas. Our line of aromatherapy products are easy to incorporate into your daily life. We use only the best 100% essential oils to bring you maximum benefits, relief and aid where you need it. We look forward to healing with you. Love and Light!

Reiki 1 Workshop March 18

Reiki 1 Workshop March 18
Reiki 1 Workshop, March 18, 2018

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Reiki 1 Workshop Deposit

Reiki 1 Workshop Deposit
Deposit for Reiki 1 Workshop with Angela Sidlo and Haisly Jimenez October 21, 2017.

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Reiki 1 Workshop Full Pay

Reiki 1 Workshop Full Pay
Reiki 1 Attunement with Angela Sidlo and Haisly Jimenez. October 21, 2017.

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Aromatherapy Workshop

Aromatherapy Workshop
Aromatherapy Workshop with Angela Sidlo
October 22, 2017
10 am - 1 pm

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