(805) 455-3060


In the world of Vitamins and Supplements it is good to be cautious. When I was introduced to Nature’s Sunshine it took some nudging to get me to try things. I took my sweet time and slowly started trying different products from Super GLA for women to Focus for A.D.D. I had great results from both and went on to try the Solstic 24 Packets, which I absolutely fell in love with and my body quickly wanted those in the morning instead of coffee.



Things started to change with my health, I studied the website, learned more about the company and products, tried more products and I am hooked! I have more energy, feel healthier all around and know that I can get just about anything I may need. There are over 600 products to choose from. At https://www.naturessunshine.com/?referrer=427405&offer=NSP you will find Vitamins, Supplements, Essential Oils, Flower Essences, Natural Cleaning Supplies and the list goes on.  


After all I have learned about this company, personal results, the testimonials from my clients, testimonials I have found from online searches and forums, I wouldn’t dare use anything else. I even have my toddler on the Probiotics and Enzymes for kids along with Gummy Vitamins and he always wants more! If we need something that I don’t have on hand I am more than happy to wait the couple of days for it to be shipped.



There are certain products that have become a staple in the house for daily and just in case situations. The Silver Shield w/ Aquasol Technology and The Silver Shield Gel are always in  my medicine cupboard. I keep a bottle of the gel in my sons diaper bag for diaper rash, cuts and to use as a hand sanitizer. If we have been around germs, I give us both a dose of Silver Shield w/ Aquasol to boost the immune system. It also works wonders on eye infections, ear infections, colds, flu, upset stomach, food poisoning….  I could babble for hours on my love for these two products and all of the remedies they offer.



To make it easy for you to go directly to My Nature’s Sunshine Page https://www.naturessunshine.com/?referrer=427405&offer=NSP You can always call or email me with questions.


If you order more than $40 worth of products sign-up as a member and receive the member pricing. That will also give you access to a ton of information, videos, etc. All of the same information I get to access on Nature’s Sunshine website will become available to you.


My goal is to introduce you to the cleanest vitamins and herbal supplements around so that you get the results you are looking for.


How’s this for an example of not knowing what you are getting in your vitamins? A third party tested Nature’s Sunshines Golden Seal against another leading companies and found that the other company had 90% dirt in their Golden Seal. Hmmm, doesn’t sound like Goldenseal to me. The supplement companies aren’t regulated and that screams to me that I may not really know what I am putting in my body. That freaks me out. So I stick with the one company I know I can trust.



If you have any questions feel free to email or give me a call.