(805) 455-3060

Reiki 1 Workshop Sunday, March 18

Join Haisly for a day of Reiki!


This one day workshop will take place in the gardens of a residence located on the top of the Santa Barbara Riviera.

11 am - 3 pm


This Day Includes:

A discussion of the History of Reiki

The principles of Reiki and how to incorporate them into your daily life

The benefits of Reiki

The hand positions to use Reiki on yourself and others

You will be attuned to be a conduit for Reiki

Give and receive a Reiki Session






Please reserve your spot by Noon on Sunday, February 25.

Visit the workshop store page to reserve your space.




Reiki Master Angela Sidlo from Oregon will be joining Haisly Jimenez in Santa Barbara, CA for a special  Reiki 1 Workshop!


This one day workshop is a rare opportunity to be attuned to Reiki by Angela and Haisly. This workshop will be held in the gardens of a private residence overlooking Santa Barbara.



9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Space for this event is limited.

We encourage you to reserve your spot by October 15.

Visit the Workshop Store page to reserve your space.


What Does This Day Include?

  • The history of Reiki
  • The principles of Reiki and how to incorporate them into your daily life
  • The benefits of Reiki
  • The hand positions for self-treatment
  • The hand positions to use Reiki on your loved ones, plants, animals and more
  • Give and receive a Reiki session
  • Questions and Answers
  • Access to a FaceBook group dedicated to continuous support
  • Level 1 attunement
  • Materials
  • Lunch



Angela Sidlo - Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher

While attending Equine Massage School in 2006, Angela began her Reiki training. During this time she attained Levels 1 & 2,  as well as her Animal Reiki Certification. Over the next several years she  saw the many benefits that the "Universal Life Force Energy" delivered by Reiki had on people, animals and in just about every aspect of daily life. Not only was she incorporating Reiki in her Aromatherapy and Reflexology practice, she was being called to dedicate her life to teaching others about it. In 2010 Angela completed her Reiki Master Level Certification.


For the past seven years Angela has been living on the North Oregon Coast offering Reiki at her Waves of Change Wellness Studio, teaching Reiki at all levels, as well as offering it to cancer patients at Columbia Memorial Hospital.


Angela has a wellness clinic called Waves of Change in Astoria, Oregon where she offers Reiki, Reflexology, Health Coaching, Hormone Balancing and more. She is also a co-author of Silver Linings Storybook.







Essential Oils: A Beginner's Guide

Give your Aromatherapy practice a jump start!


Wether you want to learn about essential oils for personal use or to share with clients, this is a must attend workshop!


Immerse yourself in the world of Aromatherapy and its therapeutic benefits with Angela Sidlo. Angela is a Certified Holistic Aromatherapist and Oregon Director for NAHA. Having Angela join us in Santa Barbara for this workshop is a rare opportunity and I am super excited about it! 



What will be covered:

  • The history of Aromatherapy
  • Importance of quality
  • Safety guidelines
  • The profile of 15 essential oils
  • Blending techniques
  • Make your own product to take home and use


This will be held at a private residence in Santa Barbara, CA


10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Space is limited

We encourage you to reserve your spot by October 15

Visit the Workshop Store to reserve your space.



If you are interested in obtaining CEU's from this workshop contact Angela by email at angela.sidlo@gmail.com

Contact Us

Phone: (805) 455-3060

Email Address: