(805) 455-3060

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a non-invasive Japanese technique of hands on healing. Reiki, pronounced “ray-key” translates to “universal life force energy.” Practioners are attuned by Reiki Masters using ancient symbols and meditation to allow them to become a conduit for life force energy. This energy can then be accessed at will by channeling to help people and animals heal physically, emotionally and spiritually.

What is a session like?

During a session you lay fully clothed on a massage table. Generally under a blanket as the body often cools off during a session and this keeps you warm and comfortable. The energy is not blocked by your clothing or the blanket. The aura or energy field around us is large and has many layers. The “universal life force” energy pours through the practioners hands and naturally finds its way to the places it is most needed. During a session the practioner channels the healing energy and places their hands lightly on (or in some cases just above)  your body starting with the head and ending at the feet. This process takes about 1 hour to 2 hours depending on your needs. Some sessions may be longer.



During a session you may doze off into a blissful sleep. The energy gives a warm sensation of relaxation, peace and over all well-being. Some people have little twitches. Each session can bring a different sensation.


Before the session begins you will want to set your intention. You don’t have to share this with your practioner as they are merely the conduit for the healing energy and are not in charge of the results. After a session your body may have some purging to do emotionally, physically or both. These can be signs of your body making some changes, which is a good sign. It’s advantageous to drink a lot of water and love and nurture yourself.



I offer aromatherapy with my sessions and relaxing music. We take time to talk before and after the session. We can also incorporate Angel Cards if you desire. It's all about you and supporting your healing journey.

What can a Reiki treatment help?

Reiki can help a myriad of issues for everybody at every stage of life. Animals also love it and some even give it. It’s a wonderful compliment to Western medicine. It has no harmful effects and promotes emotional and physical well-being. It is not a substitute for traditional medicine or following a medical program that has been set up for you by a medical expert. It is a complimentary therapy that has helped many return to balance and optimum health by incorporating it into their health care plan.


A few of the things you may benefit from by incorporating Reiki into your life:

  • Stress
  • Fatigue and sleep problems
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Chronic Pain
  • Self – Esteem Issues
  • Addiction and The Recovery Process
  • Trauma
  • Grief
  • Pre and Post Surgery
  • Digestive Issues
  • Reduced side effects from radiation and chemotherapy
  • Auto-Immune Disorders
  • Hospice care
  • Enhance the Immune System


Reiki is not a replacement for medication or doctor visits, it is another technique that can help with the healing process. You don’t even have to disclose your medical problems if you don’t want to as the energy will gravitate to where it needs to go.  

Reiki for Pets

Animals love Reiki! They are aware of their master’s emotions and often come up to offer energy and encouragement by snuggling or laying a paw on you. They can also absorb your stress, frustrations, emotions and energy. They can even take on owners ailments. Of course animals have their own adjustments in life such as a new home, another pet being added to the family, a new baby, loss of a family member or other pet, their own health issues and more. They can greatly benefit from Reiki sessions to restore balance and harmony. Reiki is beneficial to all animals: Dogs, Cats, Birds, Goats, Horses, Yaks, Reptiles, Birds…..



I offer Animal Reiki Sessions in your home, pasture, barn or wherever your pet may be most comfortable. Animals will take what they need and it can be surprising how much energy one little being might need. They will walk around and offer certain body parts, keep a distance or curl right up on the lap to absorb the energy. Some will fall asleep and others will simply wander off when they have had enough.


Pet's may take Reiki from 15 minutes to an hour. The session includes discussion time with the pets owner before and after the session.

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