(805) 455-3060
Hey just wanted to let you know the lip balm I bought from you for C for Valentine's day, she loved. Today she said that it is the best lip balm she's ever used, it's not sticky and feels great on her lips. Thanks for making such great products! :) - Angela, Bainbridge Island, WA
The beautiful and talented Haisly, owner of Tame The Beast Aromas, has wonderful aromatherapy and skin care products that you'll try once and find you can't live without. - Tracy, WA
I just wanted to share with customers something. I have been a supporter since you opened. But nothing impressed me more than yesterday when I got bit by the spider closing the shop. It was such a relief to come by and have you make me a spritzer right away. This morning between the essential oils and Silver Shield plus a little baking soda paste I applied at home, I am completely healed and pain and scar free! You are the best! - Patricia, Suquamish, WA
Papi (pronounced "poppy") would like to say "thanks again for the 'Chill the Arf Out'! He and his fur siblings love it! Four paws up!! -Patricia, WA
"I bought the stuff because Haisly is cute and a great salesgirl. Didn't even try it, until five nights ago when I couldn't sleep. So, said "why not?" Tried a little spray in the face in bed, smelled and felt great. Within minutes I was asleep. Slept deeper and longer (eight hours!) than I have in literally decades. Reordering now!!!! As Haisly told me, "The nose is the fastest way to the brain." Boy, was she ever right." - Fred D., CA
Recieved my delivery today and finished soaking in a warm tub with the bath salts. Linen is sprayed and I'm praying for a full and restful sleep tonite! Thanks so much, your product is awesome! - Nancy, Upland, CA
Got my order yesterday! Everything smells divine! Thank you! -Katherine, Santa Barbara, CA

"Haisly, Thank you for the faster than lightning shipping! One of your customers saw your product at the Kingston Farmers Market and she bought it. She let me try it on my yippie little Shis-Tzu and it was a miracle! Thank you so much for caring. Also thank you for the bath salts. Most definitely will be a repeat customer and I will recommend you to everyone I talk to. Have a happy day and thank you again", - Linda, WA

I love the "calming" scent sticks!! - Sara, CA

I really appreciated the scent sticks you made for me to use while I was going through chemo. They really helped a lot! Thank you!- J.K., CA

 I took some of your "bug off" spray with me to Mexico last month. It worked great! I know because I used it on a hike we went on and I forgot to spray my hands. They were covered with bites and the rest of me was fine. - T.Z., WA